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Showing posts from May, 2021

Why Your Diet Might Be Working Against You

            Why Your Diet Might Be Working Against You Why Your Diet Might Be Working Against You.  Jennifer is a middle-aged single mother with a young daughter. She has been avoiding sugary foods for a few weeks. And she has also been faithfully watching her portions. She has been exercising for an hour 4 times a week as well. However, she has not lost any weight, and doesn’t know why. This is not uncommon.  You might be doing everything you can to lose weight, but can’t seem to make any progress. Consequently, you are frustrated or depressed and are ready to give up. One problem is that many diets are homogeneous. They don’t consider the individual’s physiology, metabolism, and lifestyle. They are a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss, which doesn’t work in most cases.  Therefore, employing the services of a registered dietician may be the best solution. This can be done in person or via the Internet, where you can contact your dietician...

Type 2 Diabetes

       Type 2 Diabetes    Type 2 Diabetes .  Type 2 diabetes is sometimes referred to as mature onset diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is much more common than Type I. In Type 2 diabetes the pancreas either does not produce adequate levels of insulin or the body becomes resistant to its own insulin. Type I diabetes, also known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2 in that the body stops producing insulin altogether. Type I diabetes is generally diagnosed in children or young adults.  Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in older adults, however, it is becoming substantially more prevalent in the younger population. With the onset of diabetes, whether it be Type I or Type 2, we lose our ability to adequately utilize sugar. When this occurs, blood sugar levels increase due to the body’s inability to transport sugar into the cells and out of the blood stream. Sugar is very important in that it is the basic fuel source for the cells in our bodies. Insu...

Is Christian Meditation a way to speak to God?

          Is Christian Meditation a way to speak to God?  Is Christian Meditation a way to speak to God?  Christian meditation is a way of communicating with God. Christians can use this meditation to clear their minds of the busy thoughts of the day and concentrate solely on worshiping God and learning the truths of the Bible. Centuries ago, monks began practicing Christian meditation by reading over verses in the Bible and then thinking about the truths in these verses. Often, they would say the verses to God as a prayer. In this way, the monks learned to speak to God in prayer, and learned how to tell God their own thoughts and concerns. By meditating on Bible verses and praying to God, the monks trained their minds to always think about God. They called this “contemplation”, and it helped them to have a close, loving relationship with God. By following this method of communicating with God, the monks created what is called the “ladder of prayer”. T...

The Body,s Energy Centers

        The Body,s Energy Centers  The Body,’s Energy Centers  Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do not correspond to anatomical structures recognized by Western science and medicine.  The chakras are the energy centers in a person’s biological field and are responsible for his or her physiological and psychological condition as well as certain groups of organs. All vital functions of the human body are determined by energy that spins in the chakras.  These can be defined as “whirlpools referred,” and in Indian, they are considered ”energy bursts” or “wheels.” The process of energy transformation happens exactly i...

How Meditation Can Change Your Life

        How Meditation Can Change Your Life     How Meditation Can Change Your Life  Are you stressed out? Do you worry about your physical health? Your mental health? Your spiritual health? Do you wish you had less stress and anxiety in your life and more peace and harmony? Well, I felt all of these things a few years ago and I thought I was going to go crazy or die. I was working 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week at a very stressful job. I had a wife and two kids at home who wanted, and deserved, my time and attention. I had a mortgage, two car notes, tuition, medical bills, overdue taxes, and credit card debt coming out of my ears! I was running nonstop through my days trying to take care of everything and make everybody happy but I never had enough time to take care of myself. In bed at night, my heart would pound from stress and anxiety. I worried about my job, my marriage, the kids, the bills, the house, my heath, and even my sanity. My health was...

The Art Of Silence: Meditation Techniques

          The Art Of Silence: Meditation Techniques The Art Of Silence: Meditation Techniques In today’s fast-paced world, many people are seeking a way to get away from it all and relax. Meditation, which is essentially a method to obtain a level of deep thought and relaxation, is one way to find inner peace and tranquility. Many people think of monks or other spiritual types sitting in crossed-leg position and reaching states of bliss when they think of mediation, but there are many ways to meditate. While there are many ways to reach a meditative state, there really are no right or wrong ways to mediate (this would defeat the purpose), only practice and finding ways that feel right for you. Meditation is associated with many religions, but one does not need to be associated with any particular religion in order to meditate. You might want to investigate different methods, however, to find a form of mediation that feels most comfortable. One common method incl...

The Biology Behind Hair Growth

        The Biology Behind Hair Growth  The Biology Behind Hair Growth  Nothing in life is as simple as it seems, so it should come as no surprise that the strand of hair that you found on your brush this morning is an amazingly complex part of your body. Hair begins appearing on the human body while it is still in the womb. By the time a developing fetus reaches 22 weeks old, there are already 5 million follicles on the body. Interestingly enough, that is all of the follicles that will ever develop regardless of how long we live. None will ever be added. Hair Anatomy Hair consists of a follicle, which is embedded in the skin, and the shaft of hair which appears on our body. The follicle itself consists of multiple layers with each layer having a specific function. The papilla lies at the base of the follicle. Capillaries are connected to the papilla and they supply blood to the cells which surround the bottom part of the hair strand called the bulb. Surrou...

Wonderful Tools Of Good Cooking

    Wonderful Tools Of Good Cooking  Wonderful Tools Of Good Cooking.  Far too often people overlook the importance of using the proper tools when cooking fine meals. While there is nothing in the world that can quite compare to cooking with the finest and freshest of ingredients, these things can only be enhanced by making use of the perfect tools for the job at hand. When it comes to pots and pans and skillets you should keep in mind that conductivity is of extreme importance. You should also select pots and pans that are made of a heavier gauge. This allows your pans to heat evenly avoiding hot spots, which can lead to food that may ‘stick’ to your pan or scorch during the cooking process. This means that simply stopping in at your local mass market retailer and purchasing any old set of pots and pans is probably not the best course of action for the best possible quality in your kitchen. Kitchen knives are also important ingredients in the kitchens of today. If y...

Quick And Easy Lunches For The Cooking Challenged

          Quick And Easy Lunches For The Cooking Challenged   Quick And Easy Lunches For The Cooking Challenged   Let’s face it, cooking is not a top priority in the lives of every man, woman, or child on the planet. In fact, far too people have made learning to cook a priority in their lives. This means that we often exist on convenience foods and boxed mixes rather than taking the effort to prepare healthy meals for our families and our own personal enjoyment. The same holds true for lunches when we often resort to a can of soup or box of macaroni and cheese or some other such product rather than putting our creative efforts into making a quick and easy yet delicious lunch. You will see many ideas in this article and the hope is that these ideas will not only get you off to a great start for ending the lunch rut we all seem to find ourselves in at some time or another but also to try new things on your own. First of all, not all great lunches require...

Cooking Healthy For Radiant Health

           Cooking Healthy For Radiant Health.  Cooking Healthy For Radiant Health.  Who can resist the mouth-watering pictures in a cookbook? Who doesn’t have childhood memories of the fragrances that wafted from the kitchen on holidays, and even on regular, ordinary days? Spices, bread baking, cookies fresh out of the oven – all these trigger a deep longing in most of us. As eating holds a guaranteed spot in everybody’s daily schedule, so do those who prepare it. They have beome the uncrowned gods and goddesses of our lives. Real cooking consists of more than opening a can with a dull picture of green beans on the front, or popping a TV dinner from a wax-covered box into the oven or microwave. The true goal of cooking is to nourish these marvelous bodies that we live in, to allow them to grow and express vitality and strength, to keep them healthy and able to overcome environmental germs and bacteria. Summarized in one word, the main purpose of ...

Colon Cleansing Is Preventative Health Care

        Colon Cleansing Is Preventative Health Care    Colon Cleansing Is Preventative Health Care  Colon cleansing is preventative health care, rather than a treatment for a disease. It is critical because it helps to detoxify your body of all the unnecessary and unwanted toxins that build up in your body. It is also regarded as a safe and alternative method to treat many of our symptoms and problems. Colon cleansing is a procedure of cleansing the body, resulting in the release of toxins, poisons, carcinogens and free radicals. Natural colon cleansers are also available and if you think you don’t have much time and money for clinic sessions, you can do colon cleansing at home. Colon cleansing is the first step on the road to recovery. Detoxification is necessary to rid our body of toxins that accumulate as a result of an unhealthy diet, environmental pollution and chemicals, and a constant use of antibiotics. Cleansing your body with an effective, al...

What Can You Do To Stay Healthy

What Can You Do To Stay Healthy What Can You Do To Stay Healthy There are 5 simple things you can do, to stay healthy. 1. Avoid smoking and smokers 2. Eat right and keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 18,5 – 24,8 3. Try to avoid drinking alcohol 4. Exercise daily 5. Sleep right 1. Avoid smoking and smokers Dangers of smoking. If you smoke, you should quit, smoking harms you and everyone around you. Did you know? – Cigarette smokers have a high risk of heart attack. – Cigarette smokes have an extremely high risk of lung cancer. – Each year over 300,000 Americans die from lung cancer, caused by smoking. – 75% of deaths caused by Emphysema and Bronchitis are directly linked to smoking. If you want to stay healthy, you’ll have to quit smoking and avoid smokers, because “Passive Smoking” can be as harmful, as “Active Smoking”. 2. Eat right and Keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 18,5 – 24,8 How to Eat Right? As I’ve mentioned in my previous article: “Diet: How to really make your Diet work fo...

How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health

           How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health.    How A Natural Enzyme Can Improve And Maintain Your Health.  Over thirty years ago, a German physician, Dr. Hans Neiper, faced with the problems that are still unresolved by mainstream medicine today, looked to nature to find a way that would deal with all and any type of inflammation. Inflammation is anything in the body that should not be there. Any “non living tissue”. And quite simply, this is just about anything that causes pain. Blockages, such as in the head or chest from mucus, like catarrh, sinus or bronchial problems, asthma, emphysema, or industrially induced problems including asbestosis. Things like blood clots, prostate problems, arthritis, ulcers and a mass of other problems that your doctor will tell you cannot be helped are all caused by inflammation. Serrapeptase is the enzyme that the silkworm uses to dissolve its cocoon. Dr. Neiper realised that if the...

Easy Tips For Article Writing

        Easy Tips For Article Writing  Easy Tips For Article Writing  Whether you are just starting out with your online business or you are seasoned pro, writing and distributing articles is one of the most effective and low-cost ways to drive lots of targeted traffic to your site. Writing articles and submitting them to the article directories will get you free traffic when people click on the link in your resource box. It is also a great way to improve search engine rankings, since you will have plenty of incoming links to your site. Let’s take a look at how you can get started writing articles. Here are a few tips to get you started. Write a Top Ten List An easy way to get started with an article is to come up with a Top Ten List. Find a topic related to your business and jot down ten reasons why someone should purchase your product or offer advice on a topic that’s related to your website. Examples would be top ten ways to get your baby to sleep throug...

How To Top Google By Writing Articles

          How To Top Google By Writing Articles  How To Top Google By Writing Articles  Search engines determine their rankings based on two things: 1) Is your site relevant? (Optimized for certain keywords) 2) Is your site important? (Many links back to your site from other sites) Only when you address both of these considerations are you guaranteed of making an impact. Your degree of success depends on how hard you try and how many other people you’re competing against (and how hard they’re trying). Optimizing your site for keywords is the easy part. (See for more information on SEO copy.) Generating links back to your site is much more challenging – and time consuming (especially considering Google’s dampening link filter – see But it can be done; and you don’t need a huge budget. The key to topping Google on a budget is writing articles. Here’s how it works… ST...

How To Save Money On Beauty Products

        How To Save Money On Beauty Products  How To Save Money On Beauty Products  Every season, there’s always a new must-have (or at least must try) beauty product that comes out — the newest color palette in make-up, the latest in skin care, new scents, etc., etc. Beauty junkies know not to resist these temptations because you never know what amazing new product you might find. Even when people say beauty is skin deep and it’s what’s inside that matters it is always easier to make people listen to what you have to say when you come in a good “package”. Beauty entails a lot of hard work, and it also involves tremendous expenses. But there are always opportunities for you to get great deals on beauty products if you know where and when to buy. If you are a beauty junky, it is always wise to try to find products you can save on so you can stay on budget and even buy more products for your budget. You would also want to get the best rates for the products y...

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Gloss For Your Lips

        Tips For Choosing The Perfect Gloss For Your Lips   Tips For Choosing The Perfect Gloss For Your Lips.  One should remember that perfection is ten percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. So searching for the lip gloss that best suits the lip color and lip tone one has is an endeavor that requires patience, perseverance and a little (just a little) bit of luck. Hopefully, the following tips will better the chances of discovering the lip gloss that best suits the lips you have on you. 1. Be open, do not forget to experiment ! There are numerous brands of lip gloss and the prices of each vary. A $7 lip gloss bought at a neighborhood drugstore is not necessarily inferior in quality compared to an $18 Poole lip gloss compact. Lips could only appreciate the texture, smoothness, silkiness of the gloss or feel its heaviness, stickiness, or icky-ness. Little do lips care about how much the lip gloss cost or where it was bought. Though high-...

Regaining Financial Health.

         Regaining Financial Health.  Do unpaid bills cause you to lose sleep? Are you being hounded and harassed by creditors? If the answer is yes to these questions, don’t fret too much because you are not alone. Many people nowadays are having trouble paying their debts. A person who is unable to pay his debts as they fall due for a number of reasons may be declared bankrupt by himself or by his creditors. You are in financial trouble if: 1. You are living beyond your means or spending more than what you are earning. 2. If you are relying on credit for your daily needs. 3. If you are having trouble stretching your paycheck to cover monthly bills. Financial troubles should not make you lose hope. There are many solutions to regain financial health. All you have to do is act to cure the defect. First off is to consider available options. 1. Careful budgeting won’t come amiss. 2. Create a plan of possible expenses according to priority. 3. Reduce unnecessa...

Webmaster Tips For Moneymaking Affiliate Programs

         Webmaster Tips For Moneymaking Affiliate Programs .  As a webmaster, you may be wondering how you can increase the revenue of your web site without having to go through the headache of massive program restructuring or changing the content drastically. One of the simplest and easiest ways to do this is to enter an Affiliate Program. Quite simply, an Affiliate Program is a marketing agreement between you and another web site that offers certain products and services. The other web site, which is called the “merchant” in the business, pays you a commission based on certain marketing and advertising services you render for them. These services can be as simple or extravagant as you want, based on the complexity you think your site can handle and the changes you want to implement. If you enter such an agreement with a merchant, your web site then becomes referred to as a “publisher”. As a publisher, one of the simplest and easiest ways to earn extra rev...

How to Become a Successful Youtuber in Nine Easy Step

         How to Become a Successful You tuber in Nine Easy Step.   It's the preeminent importance to pick the right topics and planning the video First, you might want to pick a chosen theme; whenever you have some subject thoughts as a primary concern, I like to prescribe some extra catchphrase exploration to approve the interest for those points. The upper the acknowledgment and search volume for your point, the upper the potential for natural traffic to your video. If it's not too much trouble, recollect, the Inspired substance is that the thoughtful the watchers need, paying little heed to the specialty because regardless of what extent support you're getting from paid promotion, your endeavors are purposeless if watchers don't think that it is convincing. To get the first out of your substance, you must work out your crowd. Make the kind of value that rotates around them. Understand what they need, and you'll understand what you must get. Energizing su...