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Women,s Self-Defense Against Men



 Women,s Self-Defense Against Men

 Women,s Self-Defense Against Men.

 When looking at the increasing numbers of reports about violence against women, it is clear that women’s self-defense against men is becoming an important issue in today’s society.

 There are many products and techniques designed for women’s self-defense against men, from mace guns to judo and assertiveness training. Unfortunately, these things are becoming increasingly necessary, and it is essential to stay informed of the most effective strategies for women’s self-defense against men.

 Since more and more women are working overtime and at late hours, extra attention should be given to women’s self-defense against men. Dark parking lots are among the most dangerous places, and it is good idea to walk into a parking lot with a special device, such as a small alarm, whistle or light, or where it is legal, a mace gun or stun gun. 

The mace or stun guns should not be shaped like actual guns, but should be disguised as cell phones, pens or key chains which can be carried by hand without attracting undue attention. 

It is important to principle of women’s self defense against men always to look straight ahead and always to appear alert. Potential attackers are always on the lookout for women who seem unaware of their surroundings, so give an impression of confidence.

 Before opening your car door, always inspect the inside to ensure that no one is there. A portable flashlight can be useful for this inspection. Make sure your car door is always locked, and, if you unlock your car door with a remote control, avoid locking and unlocking the door too far in advance of your entry. 

This will prevent someone from crawling into your car. Women’s self-defense against men is not always focused on strangers, but, more often than not, an attacker is someone the woman knows. Before making the attack, the person usually stalks the woman to find out her habits and where she is the most vulnerable.

 It is therefore a good idea to change your route frequently if you jog or walk for exercise. Be on the lookout for people who are watching your activities and make sure that you are aware of potential dangers. 

Like fire drills, women’s self-defense calls for identifying potential danger spots, so, as you go through your day, look for those places where a person can easily intrude. Many strategies for women’s self-defense against men include some kind of martial arts training.

 Although many critics complain that techniques learned in classes can not be adapted well to the street, martial arts give women strength and confidence to be able to ward off an attacker. There are many varieties of martial arts to choose from, and it is a good idea to experiment with several classes before narrowing down your choice.

 Popular martial arts courses for women’s self-defense against men include: • Tae Kwan Do • Kenpo • Judo • Hapkido • Kung Fu • Karate Tae Kwan Do is a good choice for women’s self-defense against men, because it emphasizes punches and kicks that can repel attacks. 

Akido emphasizes throws and joint locks, which are more aggressive techniques to deal with attackers. Kenpo and Karate were developed through principles of aesthetics and spirituality, as well as a mean s of self-defense. 

Kung Fu focuses on the movements of five animals: the dragon, tiger, snake leopard and crane. Martial arts give the added benefit of physical fitness and self-confidence to women’s self-defense against men. The most important principle to remember for effective women’s self-defense against men is confidence.

 If a woman looks and seems aware and confident, a potential attacker is less likely to approach her, because he knows he will be unlikely to succeed. In addition, if she feels competent, she is far more likely to defend herself well and to prevent an attack.


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