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The Key Hair Generation Agents Hormonal Supplements


The Key Hair Generation Agents Hormonal Supplements

Hormones play a crucial role in hair growth process. There are a number of hormones governing hair growth in men and women. This is where the significance of high hormone supplements originates.

Testosterone and Estrogen are two examples of hormones governing human hair growth. Testosterone governs bard, body hair and armpit among men. Estrogen prevents hair growth on the chin among women. It also preserves frontal hair. Disturbance in estrogen level causes hair loss and balding among women.

Some other examples of hormones regulating hair growth are as follows -

The Key Hair Generation Agents Hormonal Supplements

Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Di Hydro Epi Androsterone (DHEA), Melatonin the sleep hormone, the natural progesterone, the natural bromelein.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – It is secreted by pituitary gland. It reaches its peak level during adolescence. And then it starts decreasing. Humans produce 500 mg of growth hormone at the age of 20. It comes down to 200 mg at the age of 40. And it is a paltry 25 mg at 80. Post-adolescence, one can use HGH supplement for various purposes including healthy hair. You may take natural hormone replacement pills or synthroids. But you must be careful about general health and nutrient intake.

Di Hydro Epi Androsterone (DHEA) – This steroid is found abundantly in the body. Improper intake of this highly potent hormone can cause male pattern baldness beside increasing facial hair growth. Over the counter hormonal supplements like androstenedione, pregnenolone and DHEA can cause hair thinning. Rather one should use FDA approved treatments like Rogaine and Propecia. Avodart and Nizoral also come in the list of high hormone supplements.

The Key Hair Generation Agents Hormonal Supplements

Melatonin – It increases anagen hair rate in women with pattern baldness. It plays a key role in hair growth. Some hormones secreted from pituitary and thyroid glands have significant impact on hair growth.

Dietary and Vitamin supplements

Various dietary and vitamin supplements also play determinative roles in hair growth. And they form core parts of the overall modern hair care mechanism.

Dietary supplements – One should also be careful about diet for healthy hair. The present day busy lifestyle demands more dietary supplements on a daily basis. A proper diet intake will go a long way in supporting a healthy hair growth.

The elements that an ideal diet for healthy hair should contain include -

The Key Hair Generation Agents Hormonal Supplements

o pantothemic acid

o L-Cystine

o vitamin C

o folic acid

o Vanadium

o Chromium

o Molybdenum

o zinc picolinate

o iron

o copper


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