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What’s the Biggest Challenge For Most Businesses When Going Online?



What’s the biggest challenge for most businesses when going online?

     Planning a budget

     Developing a plan

     Optimising a website

     Defining a customer base


     Developing a plan

Web analytics can tell you many things about your online performance, but what can analytics tools not tell you?

     What your customers are doing on your website

     Where your customers have come from before visiting your website

     Where your customers go after leaving your website

     What your customers are looking for on your website


     Where your customers go after leaving your website

Website hosting servers have their own unique IP address, what does this address consist of?

     Numbers and letters



     Letters and symbols



When defining a strategy for your business, how can competitor analysis help you establish a USP (or Unique Selling Point)?

     It can enable you to offer discounts that compete directly with your competitors’ pricing

     It can identify how your offering is different in comparison to your competitors

     It can give you deeper insight into the market and their approach

     It can reveal which additional regions you could be operating in so that you can grow your business


     It can identify how your offering is different in comparison to your competitors

You notice that when people see images of your products online, you have an increase in conversions or sales. Which customer touchpoint could you use to take advantage of this insight?

     Shopping bags

     Blog content


     Social media


     Social media

How can businesses benefit from using analytics on their website?

     It will show you where your audience comes from

     It will list which pages your audience does not like

     It will show where your customers go after they’ve left your site

     It will show you why your audience visit your site


     It will show you where your audience comes from

Websites are hosted on a server and each of these servers has its own unique IP address. What does the ‘IP’ stand for?

     Internet Position

     Internet Placement

     Internet Privatisation

     Internet Protocol


     Internet Protocol

When designing content as part of your content marketing strategy, what does the ‘Think’ stage represent in the ‘See, Think, Do, Care’ framework?

     The consideration phase, when customers start to research potential products to buy

     The finance stage, when customers think about their budgets

     The action stage, the moment when customers commit and purchase your product

     The sharing stage, when customers share images and feedback on your products


     The consideration phase, when customers start to research potential products to buy

Which are the first steps you should consider when constructing an online business strategy?

     Understand the target audience

     Change your mission statement to match the goals

     Create goals and identify a USP

     Define and segment your audiences


     Create goals and identify a USP

Where does the domain name of a website primarily sit?

     In the URL

     In the coding of your header image

     In your navigation menu

     In your logo’s hyperlink


     In the URL

When planning your website, what is one of the key things you should consider?

     The order your products will appear on the site

     What you want your customers to do on the site

     How customers will interact with the site

     What your customers want to see on the site


     What you want your customers to do on the site

When considering whether to have a web presence for your business, which of the following is not a major factor?




     How long you’ve been in business


     How long you’ve been in business

When you’re building a business website, what purpose does a server have?

     It manages your website

     It hosts your website

     It promotes your website

     It secures your website


     It hosts your website

When looking to advertise a new business online, what is one of the major benefits of display ads?

     They are seen by everyone

     They have higher click-through rate

     They can come in many different formats

     They don’t cost too much to set up


     They can come in many different formats

Imagine a customer has downloaded an app made by their local hardware store. How could that business connect with their audience through the app?

     Call the customer when there is an offer they’d enjoy

     See where their customers are and monitor their shopping behaviors

     Send them offers when they enter a certain geographical area

     Add items to their in-app basket that you think they’d like


     Send them offers when they enter a certain geographical area

What is the term we use to describe how search engines categorise each piece of content?







When using a search engine, what is the name of a word or phrase somebody types to find something online?

     Search phrase

     Search term

     Search query

     Search word


     Search query

When looking to optimise the performance of a website to improve its search engine ranking, using ‘long tail keyword terms’ in your SEO plan often allows you to…

     Outrank lots of larger, more established companies

     Find more opportunities

     See more traffic than short tail keywords

     Perform better on social media


     Find more opportunities

Gaining backlinks to your website is a great way to improve the SEO performance. What best practice will encourage people to link back to your site?

     Pay people to link back to your site

     Write some great content they will find useful

     Ensure your staff link back to your site

     Link to them first, regardless of whether they have anything interesting on their site


     Write some great content they will find useful

There are many ways you can improve the performance of a website from an SEO perspective. When it comes to link building which of the following statements is accurate?

     The quantity of links is important, not the quality

     The quality of links is important, not the quantity

     Links hidden within code on sites improves your SEO performance

     Links hidden within images on sites improves your SEO performance


     The quality of links is important, not the quantity

Which of the following will be achieved by including an offer in a Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ad?

     It will help the ad stand out and encourage people to click it

     It will guarantee the ad appears at the top of the search results

     It will increase the amount of users across your entire website

     It can increase the quality score of your ad


     It will help the ad stand out and encourage people to click it

Fill the blank: When managing SEM campaigns, the best way to optimise your quality score is to improve the _ of your keywords, adverts, and landing pages.







When fine-tuning paid search ads, you change a broad-match keyword to a phrase-match keyword using which symbol?

     Quotation marks



     Square brackets


     Quotation marks

When running a search engine marketing campaign, what goal do you expect to achieve by having conversion tracking on your site?

     To see personal data about the person who bought from you

     To understand what is working and what is not

     To increase your budget to get more traffic

     To advertise internationally more easily


     To understand what is working and what is not

Search engines see the content on a website as written code, how can you help search engines identify the images on your website?

     Place them well within your text

     Make them eye-catching

     Put branding on them

     Give them descriptive names


     Give them descriptive names

When looking to increase the presence of a website, putting together your search engine optimisation plan will help you plan your steps. Which activity would be first on the list?

     Choosing what images to put on your website

     Reserving all the social profiles that you will be using for the business

     Finding people who will link back to your website

     Keyword Research


     Keyword Research

When optimising a website for search, what impact do meta and title tags have on the search engine?

     They are hidden messages that have no bearing on search engines

     They are the on-page content that appears on your homepage, telling search engines what you do

     They are automatically generated and help websites rank within search engines

     They are embedded messages that help the search engine determine what’s on the page


     They are embedded messages that help the search engine determine what’s on the page

When advertising on search engines, if you bid the same as your competitor, having a higher quality score will mean you appear where in comparison?

     Alongside them

     Below them

     On the next page after them

     Above them


     Above them

When advertising using Search Engine Marketing (SEM), you only pay…

     When your ad appears within the search results

     When a conversion happens on your website

     When your ad is clicked by someone

     When someone stays on your website for more than 2 minutes


     When your ad is clicked by someone

What can you achieve if you divide your search engine marketing account into relevant campaigns and ad groups?

     Drive more traffic to your website

     Target more people in different areas of the world

     Ensure people see relevant ads that relate to their search query

     Stop using negative keywords


     Ensure people see relevant ads that relate to their search query

What is the most important thing to consider when optimising a search engine marketing campaign?

     Increasing the bid for the keywords you are targeting

     Increasing the relevance of the keywords, ads, and landing page

     Adding lots of keywords to the campaign to get more traffic

     Continually changing the ad copy


     Increasing the relevance of the keywords, ads, and landing page

What’s the first step in the search engine optimisation process for your website?

     Off-site optimisation

     Keyword research

     Writing fresh content

     Setting an ad budget


     Keyword research

When ranking websites on search engine results pages, which element of a website do search engines value the most?

     How long the content on the page is

     If you mention keywords over 50 times in a short piece of content

     Unique, engaging, relevant content

     Where you are in the world when adding content to your site


     Unique, engaging, relevant content

A lot of factors can affect how well a website will rank on search engines. What role does metadata have in this process?

     Helps your website stand out from the competition

     Allows you to input lots of keywords so that you appear for all of them

     Provides search engines with more consistent and clear information about what’s on the website

     Allows you to place sales promotion offers within the search results


     Provides search engines with more consistent and clear information about what’s on the website

Which of the following is a benefit of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

     Reach out to potential customers actively looking for your product or service

     Create different types of ad formats to show to potential customers

     Target people based on their interests and habits

     SEM is a lot cheaper than any other advertising medium


     Reach out to potential customers actively looking for your product or service

If you want to track a completed order in your website, what would be a proper place to add the conversion tracking code?

     Website’s homepage

     Order confirmation page

     Order form page

     Contact us page


     Order confirmation page

Fill the blank: When optimising SEM campaigns, negative keywords __ your ads from appearing when people search for things that aren’t relevant to your business.



     Increase the chance of

     Decrease the chance of



Fill the blank: ‘Search engines __ the internet to discover content.’







What are three key considerations when evaluating keywords for search engine optimisation?

     Competition, cohesiveness, relevance

     Frequency, competition, relevance

     Relevance, cohesiveness, execution

     Frequency, execution, relevance


     Frequency, competition, relevance

We use them every day, but what is the overall purpose of a search engine?

     To position websites based on how popular they are

     To display websites in a random order to increase site traffic

     To ensure every business gets an equal number of site visits

     To help the user find the most relevant answer to their query


     To help the user find the most relevant answer to their query

Which search query would trigger an ad based on this keyword: [London portrait photographer]?

     Portrait photographer London

     London photographer

     London portrait photographer

     Photographers in London


     London portrait photographer

Google Search Console “Crawl” reports let you monitor…?

     If potential customers can access your web pages

     If Google can view your web pages

     How people interacts with your website

     What information Google records about your site


     If Google can view your web pages

To improve your website’s SEO performance, when should you consider updating your SEO plan?

     When you write a new blog post

     When you have a sale or promotion

     When you add a new service or product

     When you employ new staff


     When you add a new service or product

When trying to promote your business locally, what three key bits of information should be present in your directory listing?

     Business name, address, phone number

     Personal name, business name, postcode

     Name, PO box, freephone number

     Business name, CEO, company registration number


     Business name, address, phone number

Fill the blank: When it comes to promoting a business locally, search engines can _ your business in the search results page if the user is near your location.







Using social media for business purposes can be very different to running personal profiles. If you’re looking to attract people to your social network, what tone of voice should you consider?

     Stern & Serious

     Serious & Honest

     Fun & Inviting

     Engaging & Inviting


     Engaging & Inviting

When it comes to knowing which social media platforms to focus your efforts on, how can you work out which one will work best for you?

     Compare follower numbers across platforms

     Use online analytics tools to measure engagement

     See what competitor businesses are using

     Ask friends and family which platforms they use


     Use online analytics tools to measure engagement

Mobile apps are a great tool to engage with customers on the go. What is one of the major benefits of a mobile app over a website?

     Apps allow you to send push notifications

     Apps are easy to access on the app store

     Apps generally work on more mobile devices

     Apps allow you to collate more data on your customers


     Apps allow you to send push notifications

When looking to create video content for your marketing strategy, what three best practices should you look to include?

     Short, technical, include a call to action

     Relevant, short, entertaining

     Short, entertaining, include a call to action

     Short, relevant, include a call to action


     Short, relevant, include a call to action

Fill in the blank: When search engines use factors like geolocation, IP address and location based search terms to produce geographically tailored results, this is called __.

     Local Search

     Geo Search

     Mobile Search

     Organic Search


     Local Search

Why is it important to reach customers on their mobiles when advertising locally?

     People use their phones while they are on the go

     Ads are smaller in mobile devices and therefore cheaper

     People prefer to receive adverts on their mobile

     Everyone has a mobile phone


     People use their phones while they are on the go

When looking to promote a business on social media, what is a good way to grow your social media following or engagement quickly?

     Paid advertising

     Pay for followers

     Follow all of your competitors’ followers

     Overuse hashtags


     Paid advertising

When building a website for a business, what type of design should it have in order to be “mobile-friendly”?

     A scaled design

     A visual design

     A responsive design

     An integrated design


     A responsive design

When designing mobile advertising campaigns, what is a best practice to identify which keywords to target?

     Ask your audience what they search for when looking for similar products

     Use the Google Keyword research tool or Bing Keyword research tool

     Use a tool to harvest the keywords your competitors are using

     Use all the usual keywords from your website in your advertising account


     Use the Google Keyword research tool or Bing Keyword research tool

“Because online attention spans are shorter, a great hook or opening sentence is important to draw people in.” What is this a best practice example of?

     Writing engaging online copy

     Keeping the target audience in mind

     Understanding the user journey

     Being consistent in your approach to copy


     Writing engaging online copy

Why is social media a great tool for your business to build trust and engagement with your audience?

     You can share offers and discounts exclusively to your following

     You can share blogs from other businesses to cover more than what you do

     You can share honest reviews about your product or service

     You can connect with customers at any time of the day


     You can share honest reviews about your product or service

What type of tool can be used to monitor and evaluate your social media audience’s actions on your website?

     Content scheduling tools

     Audience profiling tools

     Social media analytic tools

     Website analytic tools


     Website analytic tools

Which of the following is a core benefit that content marketing can bring to a business’s online presence?

     It can improve sales by directing more traffic to your website

     It can enable a business to create a bank of content, which can be reused to create ads

     It helps a company identify its biggest competitors

     It provides you with another channel to push sales and promotional messages to customers on a regular basis


     It can improve sales by directing more traffic to your website

When looking to get noticed locally online, what information should you ensure is on your website as a minimum?

     Your social media links

     An interactive map

     Your physical location details

     Business registration number


     Your physical location details

When looking to promote your products and services locally, what are the benefits of using search engine ads?

     Everyone uses search engines

     You can target ads to a specific geographic area

     You can target ads to specific genders

     Search ads are cheaper than display adverts


     You can target ads to a specific geographic area

When it comes to mobile, how would you define usability?

     The visitor’s time navigating your site

     The visitor’s experience on your site

     The visitor’s general time on your site

     The visitor’s purpose when on your site


     The visitor’s experience on your site

Which of the following actions would be most effective for a business to take in order to help them progress towards achieving their content marketing goals?

     Personalizing content to make each customer feel important, taking into account available data about each individual customer.

     Reducing the number of channels used for content marketing to only those channels with the highest referral numbers, thus saving money

     Identifying audiences who view their content, and ensuring those specific audiences get targeted in the future, with the aim of increasing sales

     Refining their content marketing strategy as they go, taking into account available data and metrics


     Refining their content marketing strategy as they go, taking into account available data and metrics

With more and more users using mobile to look at websites, it is key that you optimize your site so users can find it when searching online. Which two elements should you look to optimize for improved SEO performance?

     Site speed and usability

     Keywords and metadata

     Image size and navigation

     Site speed and visual appearance


     Site speed and usability

Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what?

     Optimized for different devices

     Visually engaging

     Full of relevant information



     Optimized for different devices

Which of the following tools could be used to gain an insight into the phrases and questions people search for about a given subject online?

     Answer The Public

     Google Ads Editor

     Facebook business manager

     EM Rush


     Answer The Public

Digital marketing isn’t just about selling your products internationally. It can be used to great effect for local businesses. What do we mean by ‘local businesses’?

     A business that operates from a specific geographic location

     A business that is within a 5km radius from the customer

     A business that has existed within a community for more than 5 years

     A business that only provides a service-based product


     A business that operates from a specific geographic location

Which of the following would be described as a good business goal to set for your social media campaigns?

     Increase staff morale

     Increase audience engagement

     Increase customer satisfaction

     Increase overall profit


     Increase audience engagement

When looking to advertise your business to mobile users, social media advertising can be really effective because…

     it allows you to target people who have ad blockers enabled

     it can be seen by people who aren’t logged into their accounts

     it allows you to target people based on their likes and interests

     it doesn’t cost too much to spread your ads far


     it allows you to target people based on their likes and interests

There are lots of social media platforms out there, but what is a benefit of using smaller, more niche social media platforms for your business?

     People on niche platforms are more likely to engage with you

     Your content will be put in front of specific audiences

     Your content will be seen by a mix of different people, gaining more views and likes

     It enhances your brand to be seen on more specific social media platforms


     Your content will be put in front of specific audiences

What are the benefits of using social media when looking to advertise your business locally?

     People trust local businesses on social media

     You can target ads to a specific local audience

     You can make video ads promoting the area

     People use social media more than they use search engines


     You can target ads to a specific local audience

Local directories are a great tool for getting noticed locally online. What would be the first step in using a directory?

     Research competitors

     Create a listing

     Create an ad

     Post a link


     Create a listing

Building a plan will help you to focus your efforts when using social media. What should you consider when making your social media plan?

     Your audience’s data

     Your audience’s interests

     Your audience’s available income

     Your audience’s offline behavior


     Your audience’s interests

When looking at your email marketing metrics, Click Through Rate (or CTR) highlights which of the following insights?

     % of people that made a purchase after receiving the email

     % of people that opened the email out of the total recipients

     % of people who clicked on a link in the email out of the total recipients

     % of people who were sent the email against the total number of conversions made


     % of people who clicked on a link in the email out of the total recipients

When advertisers run online ads that typically include an image for people to click on, it’s called…

     Search Engine Optimisation

     Banner advertising

     Display advertising

     Webpage advertising


     Display advertising

Which form of targeting would you use to display ads to people who have previously visited your website?

     Search advertising






Which of the following is the most accurate analogy for a display advertising network?

     A targeting option for publishers

     A marketplace between online publishers and advertisers

     A payments system for online ad campaigns

     A targeting option for advertisers


     A marketplace between online publishers and advertisers

When creating video marketing content on a budget, what is the first thing you should consider doing?

     Shooting as much as you can and culling it later

     Finding editing software

     Finding equipment to use

     Planning your content


     Planning your content

Which of the following is a key strategy for distributing your video content?

     Share videos across all of your digital marketing tools

     Pick one primary place to share your video content

     Trust word-of-mouth to drive traffic to your videos

     Send out a postcard to relevant mailing lists


     Share videos across all of your digital marketing tools

What is one of the benefits of using templates for your email marketing campaigns?

     You can reuse the same template

     They are always free

     You can duplicate the design of your website

     Templates work better on mobile


     You can reuse the same template

Which of the following is a benefit of search advertising over display advertising?

     Search ads are more likely to be clicked on

     Search advertising is cheaper than display advertising

     Search advertising allows ads to be created in multiple formats

     Search advertising is shown to customers who are searching for your specific terms


     Search advertising is shown to customers who are searching for your specific terms

Why is it important that you set goals when planning your display ad campaigns?

     To help determine the best way to collate customer data

     To help determine the performance and allow for optimization

     To help determine where your budget will be spent

     To help determine the performance of your competition


     To help determine the performance and allow for optimization

If the analytics for your video campaign shows people are only watching the first few seconds of your video, what can you do to try and amend this?

     Change the colors to be more eye-catching

     Change how much your branding is shown in the video

     Update the description to tell people more about the video

     Delete the video and try again with edited content


     Update the description to tell people more about the video

When it comes to email marketing, what do we mean by the term A/B testing?

     A/B testing means you can split your contacts alphabetically

     A/B testing means you send the same email twice to the same people

     A/B testing means splitting your audience and sending each of them a different variation of your email

     A/B testing means it is spell-checked and proofed, prior to hitting send


     A/B testing means splitting your audience and sending each of them a different variation of your email

Which of the following is a benefit of display advertising over search advertising?

     Display advertising is cheaper than search advertising

     Appearing on relevant websites offering advertising space

     Ads can appear at the top of search engine results pages

     Display ads are more likely to be clicked on


     Appearing on relevant websites offering advertising space

What can you do to help your videos appear in search results?

     Make the content really interesting

     Give detailed descriptions of its content

     Clearly brand your videos

     Include calls to action within the videos


     Give detailed descriptions of its content

When planning your display advertising, what does the word ‘placement’ mean?

     The exact location of your ad on a particular page of a website

     The size and position of your ad

     The exact location of your ad on search engine results pages

     The position of text within your ad


     The exact location of your ad on a particular page of a website

When discussing display advertising, what is an ad network?

     A way to get free traffic to your site

     A directory of lots of websites that sell the same products as you do

     An online store of images you can use within your content

     A platform allowing the advertiser to advertise on websites within the network


     A platform allowing the advertiser to advertise on websites within the network

When using display advertising, what could you include in an ad to achieve the goal of driving more sales?

     Promotions and special offers

     Personalized messages

     Location-specific information

     Product shots and detailed information


     Promotions and special offers

Retargeting allows you to…

     Target users, based on the specific actions they take on your site

     Target people, based on their likes and interests

     Appear higher within the search results

     Target people before they come to your website


     Target users, based on the specific actions they take on your site

Which of the following factors can impact the open rate of your email campaigns?

     The amount of links contained in the email

     The number of images in your email

     The opportunity for customers to opt-out

     The subject line of the email


     The subject line of the email

How can you attract social media users to share your video content online?

     Tag them in posts

     Use hashtags

     Make them funny

     Use subtitles


     Tag them in posts

How can your business benefit from video without making one yourself?

     Advertising on other people’s videos

     Commenting on other people’s videos

     Sharing other people’s videos

     Interacting with other people’s videos


     Advertising on other people’s videos

When using analytics programmes on your website, which of these do not fall under the category of a dimension?

     The device users access the site with

     The time a user spends on the site

     The browser a user uses to visit the site

     The geographical location of the user


     The time a user spends on the site

In the world of analytics, tracking the type of device the user accessed your site by is considered which type of data?







Fill the blank: When you link Google Ads with Google Analytics you are able to understand which __ are driving performance.

     Organic keywords

     Social media ads

     Paid keywords



     Paid keywords

What do website analytics allow you to do?

     Set up advertising accounts to drive continuous improvement

     Understand user behavior and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts

     Interact with customers on your website to increase conversion

     Predict your user’s next move based on previous data


     Understand user behavior and improve the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts

Why should you avoid focusing on collecting as much data as possible?

     Vast quantities of data will take a long time to process

     Large amounts of data are harder to store online

     The right information, at the right time, is more valuable

     Spreadsheets have a limit on the amount of information they can store


     The right information, at the right time, is more valuable

How is a spreadsheet defined?

     An interactive computer application for the organization, analysis, and storage of data

     A static collection of related data tables that can be queried to locate specific fields

     A tool for storing large amounts of numerical data, but not text-based data

     A digital balance sheet to keep track of financial transactions


     An interactive computer application for the organization, analysis, and storage of data

When using analytics on your website, what do we mean by the term ‘conversion’?

     The act of a user coming from a certain geographical location

     The act of a user spending a certain amount of time on the site

     The act of a user meeting a specific metric

     The act of a user completing a goal


     The act of a user completing a goal

When it comes to web analytics, what insights can you gather using analytics tools?

     What websites users visit after leaving your website

     How you currently rank in search engines

     How people interact with your website

     How people interact with your competitors’ websites


     How people interact with your website

When using web-based analytics tools, by segmenting the data you will be able to achieve which of the following?

     Bid higher within your SEM advertising account

     Find insights that can help you identify where to make improvements

     Build better social media profiles

     Run advertising in other countries around the world


     Find insights that can help you identify where to make improvements

When creating a presentation based on lots of data, what principle should you bear in mind?

     Show all the information available, to give your audience as much context as possible

     Tailor your approach to your audience in order to tell a better story

     Stick to visual graphics only, as everyone will prefer this presentation format over tables and text

     Present all information in the same way because everyone interprets things similarly


     Tailor your approach to your audience in order to tell a better story

How do you handle data in analytics to gain greater insights into our audience’s behaviour?







What is the benefit of using digital data?

     It can help you make informed decisions and improve online performance

     Digital data is always 100% accurate

     Digital data allows you to save money on offline analytics

     Using digital data allows you to automatically reach more customers


     It can help you make informed decisions and improve online performance

When using analytics programmes on your website, which of these do not fall under the category of a metric?

     Browser users use to access your site

     Unique visitors to your site

     Time users spend on your site

     Number of pages viewed per visit


     Browser users use to access your site

In the world of analytics, the time the user spent on your site is considered which type of data?







Which of these is not a benefit for businesses using fully integrated e-commerce platforms?

     Stock control

     Integrated invoicing

     The ability to track shipping

     Automated complaints process system


     Automated complaints process system

When building your online product store, to make it as effective as possible you should look to optimize the performance by using images in what kind of way?

     Use images direct from the internet to ensure accurate file size

     Use images direct from the original manufacturer

     Ensure images are of a high quality

     Use detailed descriptions instead of images to help search engines


     Ensure images are of a high quality

Fill in the blank: When you are considering the layout of the product pages, it is important to put them in __ order?



     a constantly changing




Analytics can help optimize your website for which of the following?

     For different devices, navigation & search

     For different devices & social media profiles

     For email templates & social media profiles

     For navigation, search & video campaigns


     For different devices, navigation & search

If a user abandons their shopping cart without making a purchase, one way to bring them back to complete the purchase is?

     SEM advertising

     Social advertising


     Email campaigns



When trying to increase the product sales on your website, one way to achieve this is to __?

     send multiple follow up emails once a purchase has been made

     show them remarketing ads with a variety of products

     provide the customer with relevant suggested purchases

     include a pop up on your website that they have to action before continuing


     provide the customer with relevant suggested purchases

When looking to introduce e-commerce functions to your website, which of the following would be the best first step?

     Build an online store with an integrated payment system

     Set up a web-based money transfer software like PayPal

     Invest in a new website platform

     Use other platforms such as eBay or Etsy


     Set up a web-based money transfer software like PayPal

If you are looking to expand your company’s presence online internationally, which of the following should you consider with regards to your online content?

     Translated by an automated tool only

     Translated but also locally adapted for the audience

     Translated into the native language

     Left the same, and not translated


     Translated but also locally adapted for the audience

Fill the blanks: When advertising internationally, you should make your business _ to the new market, consider the and any possible implications.

     accessible | supply chain | legal

     affordable | supply chain | language

     exciting | customer needs | currency

     affordable | customer needs | legal


     accessible | supply chain | legal

Fill in the blank: When considering expanding a business internationally, the best place to start is to _?

     use online tools to help you understand where there’s a strong demand for your products

     move the whole business to that country

     replicate your current business in as many countries as possible

     buy new domains for the country


     use online tools to help you understand where there’s a strong demand for your products

When looking to expand your business internationally on social media, what should you do first?

     Treat all social media channels the same

     Use popular phrases and memes for that area

     Analyse platforms popular in that area

     Not advertise at all, as other countries don’t like social advertising


     Analyse platforms popular in that area

Fill the Blank: In The World Of Display Advertising, Remarketing Is A Way To _.

     pay less per click than standard SEM ads

     show ads to people before they visit your website

     show ads to people after they visit your website

     display a pop up on your website when people visit it


     show ads to people after they visit your website


How would you classify the content distribution channel that uses influencer and outreach marketing to increase a brand’s reach?










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